In Recurring deposit fixed amount is accepted every month for a specified period and the total amount is repaid with interest at the end of the particular fixed period.
Mothly Rs. | 12 Month | 24 Month | 36 Month | 48 Month | 60 Month |
100 | 1256 | 2664 | 4241 | 5974 | 7896 |
500 | 6282 | 13322 | 21204 | 29868 | 39479 |
1000 | 12563 | 26644 | 42407 | 59737 | 78959 |
2000 | 25126 | 53288 | 84815 | 119474 | 157917 |
3000 | 37689 | 79931 | 127222 | 179210 | 236876 |
4000 | 50252 | 106575 | 169629 | 238947 | 315835 |
5000 | 62815 | 133219 | 212036 | 298684 | 394793 |
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